Welcome :

Welcome to my website. I pray you will find this site a place of healing and feel the Angels love work through the various posts, videos and online courses
offered here.
I am a Reiki Master who works with the Loving and healing Angels energies to help heal any issues that you face in day to day life.
Feel free to contact me for advice or help on any issue that is challenging to you . Namaste _/\_

Free Monthly Healing

Free Monthly Healing List

Join my free healing list for a month.  You are welcome to add your name for another month anytime.  Add family and pets too.
You are welcome to join my healing list or place a family member, friend or pet on my healing list.  If requesting healing for a family member or friend, please make sure that you have their permission to add their name to the list for healing.  I will be sending healing every week day to all names on my healing list for one whole month. Healing will be received by each person on the healing list at the perfect vibration and level for their being.  You or the person receiving this healing do not have to be aware or sitting in meditation for this healing, as the angels and guides of each person will look after and watch over the healing being sent.

All information submitted in the healing form below is confidential.  Please make sure that your email is typed correctly, so that I can contact you.  If you have not received a confimation email of your free months healing from me, then please do contact me or submit another form and please make sure that your email is typed in correctly.

 What happens in a healing sessions

You will be on a spiritual level taken into a group healing merkabah.  You will be accompanied by your guardian angel and guides.  Archangel Michael will cut away all negative and unwanted etheric cords, links and attachments.  Any attached spiritual entities will be removed and taken to their place in the light.  The violet, silver and gold flame will pour into the merkabah over and into your being, cleansing away all that can be cleansed at that moment in the violet flame of transmutation and transformation.  Your guardian angel will be asked to step forward and help you to fully let go of all unwanted energy and the Board of Karma will come and step forward to assist you with any deep blockages in your energies that can be from your current or past lives.
Once you have completed the cleansing with the violet light.  I will ask for the platinum net to be brought down through your energies and programmed to take with it all released energy from your cleansing session and take this down to the core of the Earth where Mother Earth (Gaia) will cleanse this energy and transform it into light.  we then will be taken to the planet Sirius to Doctor Lorphan and his Galactic Healers and accompanied by the Great White Brother and sister hood of Ascended Masters.
Doctor Lorphan is a Star Ascended Master and Spiritual Doctor and trains many ascended masters in healing from all over the Universe.  He has a huge healing university on Sirius and any person from Earth can be asked to visit him.  His team will work on your energies and help assist you with any current life health lessons according to the Will of the Creator.
Doctor Lorphan and his Galactic Healers are Star Masters but they all work very closely with the Ascended Masters that we are familiar with our Earth.  We are all one and all work together in the light.  Once your healing has completed you will be taken back to your physical body and helped to anchor fully back into your body and ground your energies to Mother Earth.
Your Higher Self, Guardian Angel, Personal Angels and Community of Guides will stay with you and support you in fully anchoring your healing and all the love and wisdom that you have received into your physical body and into the cellular structure of your body in divine timing.

It is vital please that you continue to visit your GP and continue to take any professional medical treatment you are having.  Healing is to be of assistance only and please read my disclaimer - thank you
Please fill out the healing form below and click on submit

Your Name

Your contact email

Name of person healing is for

Message regarding the healing (optional)

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