Welcome :

Welcome to my website. I pray you will find this site a place of healing and feel the Angels love work through the various posts, videos and online courses
offered here.
I am a Reiki Master who works with the Loving and healing Angels energies to help heal any issues that you face in day to day life.
Feel free to contact me for advice or help on any issue that is challenging to you . Namaste _/\_

Angel Healing

There are no limits to the Angel’s healing power. The angels help us to heal the challenges that keep us from living to our highest potential. One of the most powerful reminders we can receive through an Angel Healing is that we are never ever alone!
No situation is too big or too small for the Angels to resolve it for you.
In an Angel Healing Session, I will first ask the angels the causes of the difficulties you may be having then conduct an Angelic healing together with Archangels to correct these imbalances and blockages.
You can benefit greatly from an Angel Healing session if you :

feeling stuck in your life
need to move on with your life forgiving and letting go of past issues
have repeating negative patterns with your work, finances relationships, health etc.
feeling you absorb the negative energy around you
An Angel Healing session is similar to an Angel Reading but more focused on healing you and your life . During a session all you really need to do is just relax and allow the Angels to heal you as I guide you .
Your intention and willingness to heal will be the vital key to healing with Angels.
You will be guided through several clearing steps such as:
Cutting of the negative psychic cords
Clearing your mind and body from negative energies
Clearing of your chakras
Cleansing of your aura
Every session is dependent on the individual needs of the client. An important thing to remember is the Angels will continue to work with you for a few days after the session.
Angel healings can be done in person, over the phone, or skype as long as client is comfortably seated and has privacy.
For an appointment or if you have any questions please send e-mail to : Brendasangels321@gmail.com

The cost of an Angel Healing is 25 Euros.

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