Welcome :

Welcome to my website. I pray you will find this site a place of healing and feel the Angels love work through the various posts, videos and online courses
offered here.
I am a Reiki Master who works with the Loving and healing Angels energies to help heal any issues that you face in day to day life.
Feel free to contact me for advice or help on any issue that is challenging to you . Namaste _/\_

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Today's Angel Card

Today's Angel Card comes from Angel Therapy Cards Doreen Virtue.
Today's card :Archangel Michael 
You’re working very closely with this powerful Archangel, who’s protecting and guiding you through this situation.
You got this card as validation of what you’ve already known or suspected: Archangel Michael is with you right now.
Archangels are large and powerful nondenominational Angels who watch over Guardian Angels and the earth’s inhabitants.
Michael ( whose name means “ He who is like God ”) is the angel who eradicates the effects of fear,
provides protection for you and your loved ones , and lends his courage and backbone in the face of your taking intimidating action.
If you’re considering making life changes such as leaving a job or relationship, ask Michael for guidance and help in moving forward fearlessly.
Michael can also assist you in finding your life’s purpose, and he can tell you what steps to take next on your spiritual and career paths.
Action Steps 
To increase your courage and confidence say with sincerity:
“Archangel Michael, I call upon you
now .
Please lend me your sword and shield of peace, and allow me to lean upon your strength and courage.
Help me to know and feel that I am safe and protected emotionally, physically, financially, energetically, and spiritually.
Thank you”.

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