Welcome :

Welcome to my website. I pray you will find this site a place of healing and feel the Angels love work through the various posts, videos and online courses
offered here.
I am a Reiki Master who works with the Loving and healing Angels energies to help heal any issues that you face in day to day life.
Feel free to contact me for advice or help on any issue that is challenging to you . Namaste _/\_

Friday 20 July 2012

Daily Guidance from Your Angels

Talk to Angels 

We hear and answer all of your prayers and requests for help. Even though you may not yet or feel our presence, we're right here beside you now.
When you talk to us , you open the doorways of Angelic connection. The more you talk to us, the more you're aware of us. It doesn't matter which way you communicate - whether written, spoken, or silent words..... we hear any discourse you direct our way.
We always respond to you, and at first you may feel our answer in your heart or think it inyour mind. These are
real messages from us, sent to you on the wings of pure, unconditional love.

Thought for Today

I talk to my Angels all throughout the day. I engage them in every decision and situation, asking for their help, guidance, protection, and involvement; and I see evidence of their hands of love making everything better.

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