Welcome :

Welcome to my website. I pray you will find this site a place of healing and feel the Angels love work through the various posts, videos and online courses
offered here.
I am a Reiki Master who works with the Loving and healing Angels energies to help heal any issues that you face in day to day life.
Feel free to contact me for advice or help on any issue that is challenging to you . Namaste _/\_

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Angel Card

Today's Angel Card comes from Doreen Virtue's "Messages From Your Angels" Cards.
Today's Angel Card is:
“Keep charging ahead, and don’t take no for an answer. Expect miraculous solutions to appear”
Additional Message:
"You are on the right path! Although it might seem to take a lot of time and effort, keep up the good work. You are definitely making progress toward your intended outcome. Sometimes flexibility is called for when you’re working toward an aim. But in this instance, you need to stay firm in your conviction. Compromise will only water down the Divine plan that you’re manifesting.
"Resist the urge to bend, or to please others. In thee end, these individuals will be pleased by the outcome. You’re following a divine course, and others may not be privy to the same vision that you’re following. Do your best to explain this vision to the others involved, but don’t feel the need to defend your actions. Look at my picture. I am coming out of the darkness and into the light. So are you. You know what you’re doing, and we in Heaven are here to back you up fully!”

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