Welcome :

Welcome to my website. I pray you will find this site a place of healing and feel the Angels love work through the various posts, videos and online courses
offered here.
I am a Reiki Master who works with the Loving and healing Angels energies to help heal any issues that you face in day to day life.
Feel free to contact me for advice or help on any issue that is challenging to you . Namaste _/\_

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Angel Card

Today's Angel Card comes from Doreen Virtue's "Messages From Your Angels" Cards.
Today's Angel Card is: Bridgette”

“Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding any further.”
Additional Message:
"You have asked for heavens guidance, and it is given. This situation isn’t right for you. Some vital information has been concealed, so you will need to dig deeper and ask more questions of those involved. Trust your gut feelings, since that is how I communicate with you.
“Please don’t worry that this situation is the only opportunity available to you. It isn’t! There is something better waiting for you, but first you will have to free yourself. Remember that ’nature abhors a vacuum.’ So, you must create a vacuum, and then the new situation will reveal itself. Clearly, It takes courage and faith to leave a situation that you have a vested interest in. You may feel disappointed and betrayed. That is why you must call upon me and your other angels to help you to stay strong and true to yourself. You deserve situations that are aligned with love, and you don’t have to settle for anything less”

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